Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How To Dwell Together In Unity

*I gleaned this from http://blog.chestermitchell.org/

Here is a simple roadmap to Christian unity from Ephesians 4:
1. Walk worthy of the calling
2. Walk with all lowliness
3. Walk with gentleness
4. Walk with longsuffering
5. Walk while bearing with one another in love
6. Remember that the church is one body
7. Recognize and respect the gift of God in each other
8. Unity cannot exist without authentic relationships
9. We cannot be immature or childish
10. Every truth must be spoken in love
11. Anger only needs a “d” to become dangerous
12. Watch your words
13. Check to be sure that the Holy Spirit is not being grieved
14. Forgiveness is a non negotiable